650 N-TYPE
本機型適用於各種土壤田間耕作,溫室,烟草,玉米,苗圃,果園,田園,菜園,花園之中耕鬆土,深耕,淺耕,V型開溝,除草. 機種輕巧,適用於山坡地,平地,狹窄地,操作簡單方便,回轉靈活;油耗低,生產效率高.可依照客戶耕種作業需求做機種修改.
1. 有3種型式之變速把手可供選購,(a) CE把手(安全模式);(b)推式把手;(c)
2. 耕耘刀可隨耕作寬度做調整,加裝為6聯或8聯耕耘刀。依耕地土質軟硬,加裝開墾刀
3. 輪距也可依照作業需求做寬窄變換
4. 前進2段,後退2段,刀具轉速4段,作業適用性高
5. 依土質軟硬,調整阻力棒之深淺,做深耕或淺耕
6. 把手調整:旋轉340度、22處定位及5段定位高低調整,依照操作者作業需求做把手高度調整
7. 可加裝雙面犁做V型開溝作業
8. 採用日本引擎,堅固耐用,使用年限長
使用日本引擎,四行程汽油 ~油式空氣濾清器,
可選擇三菱6.3HP(GB180) / 本田6.5HP (GX200) 引擎.
變速方式 : 游動齒輪直接排檔式,前進2段,後退2段
傳動方式 : 皮帶/張力輪式
行進速度 : 前進(rpm)-快速:123.6 / 慢速:65.2
後退(rpm)-快速:88.9/ 慢速:46.9
可調輪距 : 最窄18 cm,最寬36 cm
輪胎規格 : 350-5 人字花
中耕深度 : 3~28 cm
中耕寬度 : 65~90 cm
機體尺寸 : 長145x寬65x高85 cm
機體淨重 : 45 kg (不含八聯耕耘刀)
650N-type is suitable for each kind of soil field cultivation , ex : tobacco , corn , suger cane and vegetable garden , orchard , flower plantation .The machine is light and handy , whatever is doing cultivation , weeding , V-shape ditching, deep & shallow digging is easy for the operator . 650N is suitable for using on the hilly, flat, narrow land , easy to turn round, low oil consumption , high production efficiency . May defer to the customer cultivation work demand to make the revision for the machine .
1. 3types of clutch lever for choosing : (a)CE type lever (safety mode) , (b)Push type lever (c)Hand-Press type lever
2. For the 6-rotary tillage blade is adjustable .Depend on the width of the cultivating ,can change to 8-rotary tillage blade . To add the ground-break blade for cultivating the hard land (black soil).
3. Adjustable Tread : according to the farming needs to adjust the width of tread
4. Forward 2 speeds and reverse 2 speeds and 4 speeds for the blade , high working ability .
5. According to the soil t